Eastern Accents

Monthly Collections


Eastern Accents, are experts in American-made luxury home textiles based in the heart of Chicago. Who has unmatched dedicated focus on trend-leading design, with unmatched quality, and fantastic customer service. Eastern Accents has a group make up of in-house designers and partner designers who create imaginative collections that unique in every detail. Different collections are launched out monthly sometimes multiple ones at a time. My role is that these collections have their proper spotlight.  

Elements need for each collection

  • Web page design (Homepage)

  • Web design/ images are mobile compatibility

  • E blast Design

Every Bed collection has a different personality. SO they deserve a Spot light

Web Design

Unveiling e' Medici Fine Linens

Promo Video Campaign

click on image for full video


My Role

Objective: To showcase the exquisite e' Medici fine linens collection at Eastern Accents through a captivating and innovative promo video. The goal is to highlight the collection's revamped features, which took over a year to refine while preserving its exceptional quality.

Creative Approach: I sought to bring a fresh and cool perspective to the promo video, ensuring it would stand out and resonate with our audience. After pitching the idea to the Creative Director, they enthusiastically approved the concept, despite initial challenges in convincing them that the original idea lacked coherence.

Execution: As the project lead, I took charge of coordinating a diverse team, including location scouts, product stylists, videographers, designers, and assistants. Together, we meticulously executed the project, ensuring a seamless production from start to finish.

Impact: The resulting promo video showcases the e' Medici fine linens collection in all its splendor, captivating viewers and leaving a lasting impression. The coordinated efforts and attention to detail brought the project to life, exceeding expectations and demonstrating the power of collaboration.

Goals of the project:

  • Pitching and gaining approval for the fresh and innovative concept

  • Overcoming challenges to ensure a seamless and successful production

  • Delivering a captivating promo video that effectively showcases the re-amped e' Medici fine linens collection


  • Coordinating and managing the team involved in the project, including location scouts, product stylists, videographers, designers, and assistants

  • Define the objective and target audience for the promo video.

  • Develop a concept and script that effectively communicates the key message.

  • Create a shot list and storyboard to plan the visual sequence.

  • Gather necessary equipment, such as cameras, lighting, and audio recording devices.

  • Set up the shooting location and arrange props or backgrounds as needed.

  • Direct and coordinate the team during the filming process.

  • Conduct additional shoots or retakes if necessary to achieve desired results.

  • Enhance the video with appropriate music, sound effects, and voiceovers.

  • Provide relevant graphics, text overlays, and branding elements.

  • Implement feedback and make revisions if needed.

  • Provide oversight and guidance to the videographer to ensure the visual quality and aesthetics of the video are maintained.

Studio 773

Collection Marketing Campaign

click on image to see full project

click on image to see full project


My Role

“Studio 773 ventures outdoors!" This marked the official launch of the outdoor pillow collection, which was the first of its kind for the brand, produced by Eastern Accents. As a new member of the company, I was eager to dive right into this project and embrace the opportunity to do something unique. The excitement around the collection in our initial meeting inspired me to think outside the box and create a buzz around the launch that would match our enthusiasm. With the goal of building anticipation and exclusivity, I developed a set of printed mailers and e-blasts as a teaser campaign leading up to the launch. The campaign was a success, and sales for the brand broke records.

Objective: Introduce and generate excitement for the outdoor pillow collection, the first of its kind for Studio 773, produced by Eastern Accents. The goal is to create a buzz, build anticipation, and break sales records by showcasing the collection in a fresh and unique way.

Creative Approach:

  • Printed Mailers and E-blasts:

    • Develop a set of visually captivating printed mailers and e-blasts as a teaser campaign to create anticipation and exclusivity leading up to the launch.

  • Revamp Studio 773 Brand:

    • Implement a fresh and innovative approach in the design and presentation of the outdoor pillow collection to reflect the brand's new direction and engage customers.


  • Layout Design:

    • Create visually appealing layouts for a trifold mailer and a catalog magazine, ensuring the designs effectively showcase the outdoor pillow collection and entice customers to explore further.

  • Image Selection and Oversight:

    • Curate and select compelling images that best represent the campaign's theme and fit seamlessly into the layout designs, capturing the essence of the collection and Studio 773's vision.

  • Promotional Material:

    • Design additional promotional materials, including social media images and e-blast visuals, to maintain consistency across various marketing channels and amplify the campaign's impact.

  • Website Design:

    • Provide visually appealing designs and graphics for the Studio 773 website, creating a cohesive online experience that aligns with the campaign and encourages customer engagement.


  • Generate excitement and anticipation among customers for the new outdoor pillow collection.

  • Break sales records for the brand and increase customer engagement.

  • Reinforce Studio 773's brand image as innovative and trend-setting within the home decor industry.

Goals of the project:

  • Introduce a new collection

  • Create printed material that would be sent out through mail

  • Revamp Studio 773 in a fresh way

  • Get costumer excite for the collection


  • Conceptualize and create layouts for the trifold mailer and catalog magazine.

  • Select and oversee the use of images that effectively represent the campaign and fit the layout designs.

  • Design additional promotional materials, including e-blast visuals and social media images.

  • Provide visually appealing designs and graphics for the Studio 773 website.Provide designs for website

HPMKT/ Fall 2021

Marketing Material


Entrusted with creating an entirely new marketing material, I acted as the lead director and graphic designer of all visual designs. From beginning to end, I worked with current team members of in house photographers to ensure that the project would have the best outcome on print and delivery.

Goals of the project

  • Invite the press to the international event that is held multiple times a year in an innovative way

  • Stand out from the competition of other vendors inviting the press to their showrooms as well

  • Get the press to write about us in their outlets of communications

  • Create a project that would stay within budget  

  • Create something from concept to delivery on a tight timeline

  • Keep it always authentic, practical, vibrant and heavy on imagery that is representative of the brand


  • Create marketing materials that would represent Eastern Accents but also serve it’s purpose of an invitation and press release

  • Source a vendor that would print the project

  • Source all material needed for the project

  • Direct photoshoot for inspiring images that would accurately represent this project

  • Create a design that can could be carried across other marketing materials that will be needed.

Intro Photoshoot closeup 3.jpg


(Font Cover Of Gate Fold Invitation)

An important element to this project that I took on was directing a photoshoot, this was with the intent to create beautiful imagery that would displayed Eastern Accents is a textile company. Images would also work as inspirational mood pictures fitting of the industry, the reminding images can be found in the New Intro Booklet Fall 2021.

Marketing Material



The High Point Market (HPMKT) is a highly anticipated international event in the furniture industry, with intense competition for press attention. The objective of this project was to distinguish Eastern Accents from its competitors and entice press to visit our showroom and showcase the company's creations. Initial ideas for the invitation design were not meeting expectations due to cost, timeline, and messaging issues. Leveraging my marketing experience and knowledge, I steered the project in the right direction, ensuring a successful outcome.


The original message/theme for this campaign had great potential but required some reworking. The original message, "Pack your bags and let's travel the world like nomads," was not well-suited due to the current Covid pandemic making travel less secure. Additionally, the connection between our high-end luxury products and the nomadic lifestyle, where people live with just the essentials, was unclear. Stepping back, I realized that we could still convey the theme of global exploration with a more positive message. The revised copy read, "Discover the latest in luxury home textiles from Eastern Accents. Expertly designed and crafted in Chicago…". This message also helped to reinforce the idea that Eastern Accents is not just a bedding company but also a textile company, a distinction that was previously challenging to convey in past campaigns.


My years of experience and creativity came in handy when creating the design for this project. The goal was to create an invitation that could also function as a press release to promote our exciting new products at Fall 2021 HPMKT. I decided on a large gatefold brochure to represent opening doors and stepping into the world of Eastern Accents textiles. Inside, I focused heavily on imagery with minimal copy, as the beautiful visuals were enough to showcase our bed collections. To enhance the presentation, I incorporated fabric swatches, a signature of Eastern Accents, to appeal to more senses. The press release letter was printed on vellum paper to avoid interfering with the imagery and included a QR code for easy access to a digital version of the letter. I also used the same material for the envelope, making it stand out among other mail. This achieved the desired message at a fraction of the cost of previous designs, and ahead of schedule. Furthermore, the design can be used for mailing without the fabric, which reduces costs and reaches a larger audience on our mailing list. This project serves a dual purpose.



I take great pride in bringing this marketing campaign to life. Applying all my knowledge and expertise, I was able to create a successful project that not only looks good but also effectively communicates its message. For me, designing a project is not just about aesthetics, but also about ensuring that every element supports the project's goals. A great design is one that seamlessly integrates with the project's objectives in an innovative and impactful way.