Family Bridges


Family Bridges is a big family of community champions, teachers, counselors, and creatives. This organization's motto of EMPOWER, EQUIP, and ENCOURAGE is achieved through their services to the community's people.


Family Bridges brand needed a refresh. Certain brand elements were great, back 15 years ago. Board members of Family Bridges were not ready to let go of the logo and primary colors. That wasn't a motive to stop the projects. It was still possible for Family Bridges to reach its audience with renewed designs without losing its foundation.     

Goals of the project:

  • Keep Family Bridges Logo

  • Refresh Family Bridges Identity

  • Show that Family Bridges' tone is hopeful, educational, and practical. 


  • New brand elements that support Family Bridges' brand 

  • Create foundation design concepts for years to come 

  • Pick design elements that would transfer from screen to print and vice versa. 

  • Branding Book for Family Bridges

  • Social Media templates

  • Provide elements for website 

  • Brand Control 

Design Elements

I had free range on creating a fresh new look for Family Bridges, within the expectations of Family Bridges' board members' goals. Challenging my technical experience and thinking back on my time spent with Family Bridges made this task exciting. I knew I wanted the brand's new designs to reflect hope through education throughout my design process.



Family Bridges' colors did not come out of the blue or far much from the original color palette; my approach was to respect board members' goals. I just took the original color palette and refreshed it with livelier tones of those colors. I switched one color to represent Family Bridges' message better. Additionally, I added a color to Family Bridges' primary colors. Not only will this help sort information visually, but it categorizes information into Family Bridges' 3 major departments.      



Another decision was to have an official font that supported all the content that Family Bridges' puts out into the world. One would be the san serif Neutraface; this was great because it was easy to read. Also, it came with many diverse styles within the font family, so anyone creating content could find one that fits their project. Next, we also wanted to highlight Family Bridges' fun side, so along came Sonder, a script typeface.

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Images can speak a thousand words, so those images should speak to Family Bridges' image. We choose to use images that depict family and couples. Family Bridges is diverse, but they primarily serve the Latino community. Lastly, Family Bridges does this with genuine passion and love toward helping those in need, so the images should not seem staged but be lively and filled with color.




Infographics' overall function is to explain a situation to someone that most likely has never seen this information before. It should be a functional tool in explaining Family Bridges.


These came from inspiration I got from how I see Family Bridges. They are like the build blocks (tools) towards great relationships. With good relationships, one thrives and can succeed in life wherever you are. So I took it back to something so simple we learn our shapes. Shape blocks at one time were a tool to make our first relationships without knowing.


Using illustrations can be used as a fun tool. They can build relation between the message and audience. But also use an image to provoke feelings.

Brand Book

I took a fun approach in the design and layout of creating a branding book for Family Bridges that felt like a storybook. Family Bridges is very different from other organizations in that they do much of their work through edutainment. Their pride is that they know how to tell a story, and they know they can tell it well. So the brand book should also do that, tell the story of Family Bridges' identity.



Taking this new direction for Family Bridges' identity was slightly different for the organization but received high praise in return. I was about to give a fresh new face to Family Bridges.