Crafting a brand identity from a blank canvas

Elevate K-12 has taken on the mission of solving the crisis of the teacher shortage. That mission is to provide accessibility to live education access the country, so no student is without a teacher. They bring the classroom of the future to life with livestream learning systems which connect certified Live Teachers to hundreds of classrooms across 27 states to provide fully synchronous and interactive instruction, directly into classrooms and on a school’s bell schedule.

I was honored to work for an organization whose mission was such an important one. While my time in Elevate K-12 I contributed by overseeing and developing the brand’s image. It was a thrilling time, at that Elevate K-12 was just expanding meaning the creation of the brand was a blank slate. Some responsibilities were creating marketing, graphic projects and coordinate the work of others. My objective in all the assignments was to bring brand awareness and deepen the connection between the brand and consumer.

Elevate K-12 at AASPA 2022

Establishing Brand Consistency and Maximizing Impact

Ready to see how much fun we had?


My Role

As Elevate K-12 continued to grow, the need for marketing materials became increasingly apparent. Taking a step back, I recognized that my primary objective was to establish and maintain quality control, as well as ensure consistency in the brand's image across all marketing materials. This was critical not only for retaining our current clients but also for attracting new ones in the future.

The first step was creating the conference materials for Elevate K-12 to ensure a strong presence at the events the sales team was attending. It was crucial to establish and deepen relationships with potential partners and clients. The goal was twofold: to raise brand awareness and to reassure everyone that, even with a new look, it was still the same trusted Elevate K-12 they had come to know.

Goals of the project:

  • Create Conference Materials:

    • Develop impactful materials to showcase Elevate K-12 at conferences attended by the sales team, fostering connections with potential partners and clients.

  • Maintain Brand Consistency:

    • Ensure all marketing materials reflect Elevate K-12's brand image consistently, conveying a cohesive and trusted identity.

  • Raise Brand Awareness:

    • Develop materials that effectively communicate the company's new look while assuring stakeholders that Elevate K-12 remains the same reliable and reputable organization.


  • Quality Control and Brand Consistency:

    • Oversee the development of marketing materials to ensure they align with Elevate K-12's brand guidelines, maintaining consistent visuals and messaging.

  • Conference Material Creation:

    • Collaborate with the design team to create impactful conference materials, including banners, brochures, and other promotional items, to enhance Elevate K-12's presence at events.

  • Relationship Building:

    • Develop materials that support the sales team in establishing and deepening relationships with potential partners and clients, showcasing Elevate K-12's value proposition.

  • Brand Evolution Management:

    • Communicate the brand's new look effectively through the conference materials, reassuring stakeholders of Elevate K-12's continuity while presenting an exciting new image.



By providing a complete event package, the Elevate K-12 event team was able to present a cohesive and professional brand image to attendees at every conference event they attended.

Influencer Oasis

Crafting a Care Package of Delight for Social Media Influencers


Influence Care package


My Role

One of the marketing team's objectives was to improve Elevate K-12's social media presence. Elevate's social media stands out due to the content shared by our online teachers, which we feature on our social media channels. In light of this, we came up with the idea of creating the Elevate Influencer Club. As part of this initiative, I was entrusted and looked upon by the team to create a care package that would be mailed to Elevate K-12 online teachers who chose to participate in our influence program.

Goals of the project:

  • Increase Elevate K-12's social media presence and engagement.

  • Cultivate a sense of community and recognition among Elevate K-12's online teachers.

  • Show appreciation for the Elevate K-12 online teachers who participate in the influence program and provide them with a positive experience.

  • Encourage online teachers to continue sharing their content on social media and actively participate in the Elevate Influencer Club.

  • Increase the engagement and reach of Elevate K-12's social media channels through the promotion of the influencer care package and its contents.

  • Differentiate Elevate K-12's influencer program from other education companies by offering unique and memorable experiences for the online teachers.

  • Strengthen the overall relationship between Elevate K-12 and its online teachers, which can result in increased loyalty and retention of talented educators.


  • Think outside the box and create a fun project that aligns with Elevate K-12's brand guidelines.

  • Source a vendor who can print the project.

  • Source all necessary materials, including any custom-branded items.

  • Prepare the graphic design file for print, ensuring that all design elements align with Elevate K-12's brand guidelines.

  • Manage the project budget to ensure it stays within budget.

  • Ensure that the project is delivered on time and meets all project deadlines.

  • Oversell the final design to create a positive impression of the company and exceed expectations.

  • Create a design that can could be carried across other marketing materials that will be needed.

    • Packaging Layout

    • Postcard

    • T-shirt design

    • Selfie stick




As the creative lead of the Elevate Influencer Club care package project, my main goal was to create a unique and engaging experience for the online teachers who participate in Elevate K-12's influencer program. The project involved designing and creating a fun and personalized care package that aligned with Elevate K-12's brand guidelines. The project was successful in achieving its objectives of showing appreciation to the online teachers, increasing social media engagement and reach, and strengthening the overall relationship between Elevate K-12 and its online teachers.